With a background in Economics and her first job working in venture capital, nobody in Nomrota’s vicinity could probably have thought she had other plans for herself. While Nomrota seemed to be working at her dream job, she wanted to do something more. Having grown up amidst amazing cooks like her paternal aunt, mother and paternal grandmother – Nomrota felt compelled to do something that involved taking the taste of Bangladesh across borders. It is around this time that her partner came to her, asking her to look into the market of sauces and condiments in Bangladesh. Since she loved conducting research, Nomrota dove into this headfirst, simultaneously talking to the great chefs in her life for ideas on flavours for sauces and dips that would be local yet highly in demand. With some savings and a well-researched idea, Nomrota began “Saus Taus”; a company that not only is largely female-based, but is also focused on being positive for the environment. Her innovative thoughts on taking the Bangladeshi sauces to foreign countries is why she is our Stellar Woman in “Entrepreneur” category for Season 2.